Implanted Dentures Still Need Daily Care and Cleaning

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The titanium anchor points installed into your jawbone and the corresponding dentures are all made from materials that are immune to the effects of tooth decay. However, complications resulting from chronic periodontal disease still pose a significant threat to the long-term integrity of one or more denture anchors.

If plaque and residual food particles are not removed from the anchor points, they can harden into tartar. This is the first step in the downward spiral of periodontal disease.

Be sure to thoroughly brush your dentures with a soft-bristled toothbrush and nonabrasive denture polish when you take them out at night. The denture anchors and locking hardware should also be rinsed and brushed to remove plaque buildup.

Your six month dental checkup with your dentist, Dr. Charles W. Hobart II, includes an examination and cleaning of each denture anchor. At the same time, it’s natural for there to be a little wear and tear on the hardware or the dentures. If something is slightly out of alignment, or if you’ve noticed some wear and tear, be sure to mention it at the start of the appointment.

If you have questions about the best way to maintain your denture implants in Bluffton, South Carolina, you can always call First Dental of Bluffton at 843-757-2828 to ask a question.