Whiten Your Teeth for These 3 Reasons

When it comes to finding a new look, many people should consider teeth-whitening treatments. Receiving white teeth can add a huge boost to your everyday life. With so many people wanting and turning to cosmetic dentistry, it’s no wonder why teeth-whitening treatments have become among the most popular sought after purposes. Here are three reasons for you to consider whitening... read more »

Your Child’s Baby Teeth

Your baby’s teeth start to develop while they are still in the womb. While your baby is growing he will have grown 20 primary teeth by time he is three years old. There will be ten on the top and ten on the bottom waiting to erupt. These include central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, first molars, and second molars. Teething... read more »

The Reality Between Soda and Tooth Decay

Whether you want to believe it or not, soda is a big source of tooth decay for people of all ages. With the acids and acidic sugar in the soft drinks, the tooth enamel softens and allows the formation of cavities. Now, there are a few things you can do to protect your smile from tooth decay and other dental... read more »

Relax in the Dental Chair With Laughing Gas

If you are one who is afraid of the dental office, we have some good news for you! We happily offer nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, to help you relax in the dental chair. With the help of this sedative, you will love keeping your scheduled dental visits in no time. What is nitrous oxide? Nitrous oxide is... read more »

Dental Bridge: The Restoration That Can Save Your Smile

Are you tired of the gap in your smile that makes eating, talking, and smiling difficult? If so, we have a way we can help you, and that’s with a dental bridge! A dental bridge is a dental restoration that can save your smile and finally give you the results you are looking for. Whether you have lost your permanent... read more »

Protect Your Gums from Periodontal Disease

If you want to project the picture of good health, your smile is a crucial part of the frame. And if your teeth look nice but your gums are bright red and inflamed, that can detract from an otherwise healthy looking smile. Protecting your gum health is just as important as beautiful teeth! If your gums are not healthy, you... read more »

Flossing is Essential to Oral Health

How many times have you skipped flossing this week? Did you know, when you skip flossing you are causing more damage to your oral health? Flossing is essential because it removes food particles and plaque buildup in between your teeth. When plaque begins to start, it can turn into an oral disaster because bacteria begins to fall into your gumline... read more »

The Truth about Root Canals

If you have a bad toothache and your tooth becomes sore when exposed to hot or cold temperatures, your dentist may tell you that you need root canal treatment. You may be nervous, but there is no need to fear. There are many misconceptions about root canal treatment. Myth #1: Root canal treatment hurts. Truth: Root canal treatment relieves pain.... read more »

A Few Ways You Can Fight Tooth Decay

Do you know what the most common disease in children is?  Did you know that the disease is dental caries, also known as cavities? Did you know that the same disease is very common in adults? Obviously, there are things you can do to prevent this problem. You’ve probably heard that you should brush and floss your teeth every day... read more »

CEREC One-Appointment Crowns Save You Time

DO YOU NEED A DENTAL CROWN? Crowns are an integral part of many dental restoration treatments including implants, root canals, or simply covering and strengthening a tooth that’s damaged by trauma or decay. Before Now, Placing A Crown Took At Least Three Steps First, you needed an appointment to prepare the tooth, make the impression, and place the temporary crown.... read more »