When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
Have you ever wondered if a dental implant could work for you? If so, you are not alone. Dental implants work well to restore a lost tooth and improve your smile. However, many people are not sure about the basics of dental implants, which is why our team is happy to help you. Our dentists, Dr. Charles W. Hobart II,... read more »
To improve your overall health and lower your risk for various oral health risks and problems, make sure you think of how your diet is affecting your smile. Not only can your diet potentially leave you vulnerable to several oral health risks including chipped and cracked teeth, but it can slowly wear down your tooth enamel as well. Because your... read more »
When the time comes to enhance your oral health care through the use of a treatment from your dentist, you may require some form of sedation. Sedation is intended to help alleviate any pain or discomfort you may feel during an oral health care procedure. Through the use of sedation dentistry, multiple sedatives are available to assist you, including the... read more »
Building your perfect smile includes being aware of what risks may be present, as they could be damaging your smile. Even the best of smiles can suffer from oral accidents or injuries if you are not careful. To enhance your smile, look for ways to eliminate risk factors or minimize the effects on your teeth as much as possible. Take... read more »
The tooth enamel that covers your teeth is comprised of microscopic crystals that are densely packed to provide the necessary strength to bite and grind your foods. Despite the durability of the enamel is, habits such as grinding your teeth and chewing pencils or receiving a hard blow to the face can create a chip in the tooth enamel. If... read more »
Eating right is a cornerstone of optimal health. If you wish to strengthen your smile for many decades to come, dietary selections are going to play a significant role in the formation of strong teeth and gums. In order to keep your tooth enamel going strong, you should also avoid unhealthy sweets and treats that can slowly damage it. Alternatively,... read more »
Wisdom teeth are the third molars in your smile that are now vestigial and no longer benefit a modern mouth. Most patients have four wisdom teeth that rest deep in their gums behind their other molars, and these teeth typically begin to emerge at some point during late adolescence to early adulthood. If your wisdom teeth can’t erupt properly, they... read more »
While there is an extended process of placing a dental implant, it’s not as complex as you may have thought. Our dental team at First Dental of Bluffton can help you become more knowledgeable of what to expect from receiving a dental implant. We have provided a breakdown of the dental implant process and organized it into three steps: Step... read more »
Have you ever heard of bruxism? Sleep bruxism is a sleeping condition in which you struggle with grinding your teeth at night. However, bruxism cans also occur unconsciously while you are awake as well. If you are grinding your teeth at night, or if you frequently make loud noises, you may be suffering from bruxism. To find out if you... read more »